This writeup covers the challenge Signed Jeopardy from NahamConCTF 2023, which was probably the hardest crypto challenge in the competition, with only 44 solves.
In this challenge, we are given a file server.sage which implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) on the P521 curve. After generating the public key, the program opens a file called questions.txt and randomly selects questions about video game history and lore. It signs the answer to those questions and prints the question and signed answer to the console. The user can choose to receive questions and signed answers, and can also choose to sign a custom message. If the signature of the user’s message equals the signature calculated by the program, it gives the flag.
from random import randint from hashlib import sha512
withopen("flag.txt",'r') as f: flag =
questions = [] answers = [] withopen('questions.txt','r') as f: for x in f.readlines(): a = x.split('\t') questions.append(a[0]) answers.append(a[1][:-1])
# P521 standard curve parameters p = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057151 a = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057148 b = 1093849038073734274511112390766805569936207598951683748994586394495953116150735016013708737573759623248592132296706313309438452531591012912142327488478985984 Gx = 2661740802050217063228768716723360960729859168756973147706671368418802944996427808491545080627771902352094241225065558662157113545570916814161637315895999846 Gy = 3757180025770020463545507224491183603594455134769762486694567779615544477440556316691234405012945539562144444537289428522585666729196580810124344277578376784 E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b]) G = E(Gx, Gy) n = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397655394245057746333217197532963996371363321113864768612440380340372808892707005449 k = randint(1,n-1) d = randint(1,n-1) Pub = d*G
defmenu(): print("\nWhat service would you like?") print("\t1. Question") print("\t2. Flag") print("\t3. Quit")
defsign(): index = randint(0,len(questions)-1) question = questions[index] answer = "What is "+answers[index].upper()+"?" m_hash = int(sha512(answer.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) P = k*G r = int(P[0]) % n s = ((m_hash + (r*d))/k)%n print(f"Here is the question: {question}\nAnd here is the signature: ({r}, {s})")
defget_flag(): print("Please give the message") message = input("") for a in answers: if a.casefold() in message.casefold(): print("I can't have you using the answer of one of the questions as the message!") quit() print("Please give the r value of the signature") r_given = int(input("")) print("Please give the s value of the signature") s_given = int(input("")) m_hash = int(sha512(message.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) P = k*G r = int(P[0]) % n s = ((m_hash + (r*d))/k)%n if r == r_given and s == s_given: print(f"As promised, here's your flag --> {flag}") quit() else: print("Not the right signature. HAHAHA!")
defmain(): print(f"Welcome to my ECDSA Jeopardy!\nHere is the public key:\nPublic key = {Pub}\nI'll sign the answers and give them to you.") whileTrue: menu() choice = int(input("")) if choice == 1: sign() elif choice == 2: get_flag() elif choice == 3: quit() else: print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
After careful inspection of the code in server.sage, one can observe that the same nonce value k is reused to sign every answer. This is a critical implementation flaw in the ECDSA and the vulnerability which we will exploit in this challenge to retrieve the flag.
In the ECDSA, a random nonce value k is generated for each signature creation. The nonce value is used in conjunction with the private key to compute a point on the elliptic curve, which is in turn transformed into a valid signature. Since the purpose of the nonce is to provide randomness (uniqueness) to the signature generation process, it is of vital importance that k remains secret and is never reused. If it is reused, the attacker can directly compute k and the private key d and then forge signatures for arbitrary messages. As explained here, if we have two messages m1 and m2 and their signatures (r,s1) and (r,s2), we can compute the message hashes z1 and z2 and compute k and d by:
Thus, if we can select two questions from the server to answer - making sure to record the answer signatures - we can recompute k and d using the equations above. Then, we can choose an example message (such as “hello”) and compute its signature using the recovered values. Since we generate the signature using the same k and d used by the server, our signature should match the one computed by the server and we should be able to retrieve the flag!
First, let’s choose two simple questions to answer:
The answers to these questions are Microsoft and Mythical, respectively. Note that these are our messages m1 and m2, and we can compute their hashes to find z1 and z2:
from sage.allimport * # For elliptic curves from hashlib import sha512 # For hasing the message (we actually sign the HASH of the message, not the message itself) from ecdsa.numbertheory import inverse_mod # inverse_mod == division (when moduli are involved)
# P521 standard curve parameters (from 'server.sage') p = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057151 a = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057148 b = 1093849038073734274511112390766805569936207598951683748994586394495953116150735016013708737573759623248592132296706313309438452531591012912142327488478985984 Gx = 2661740802050217063228768716723360960729859168756973147706671368418802944996427808491545080627771902352094241225065558662157113545570916814161637315895999846 Gy = 3757180025770020463545507224491183603594455134769762486694567779615544477440556316691234405012945539562144444537289428522585666729196580810124344277578376784 E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b]) G = E(Gx, Gy) n = 6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397655394245057746333217197532963996371363321113864768612440380340372808892707005449
# Note: n == the order of G (G == elliptic curve base point) which represents the total # number of different possible points over the curve
# Question 1: Rare was bought by this company for $3.19 billion. m1 = "What is " + "Microsoft".upper() + "?"
# Question 2: Category of Pokemon that contain some Pokemon like Victini, Mew, Magearna and Zarude. m2 = "What is " + "Mythical".upper() + "?"
# Compute the SHA512 hashes of the answers z1 = int(sha512(m1.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) z2 = int(sha512(m2.encode()).hexdigest(), 16)
Now that we have the hashes, we can use the signatures obtained from the server, (r,s1) and (r,s2), to recover k and d:
# Signature (r1, s1) of the first answer r1 = 1465592089909096066855017733143775914413407269725815519508066282537319512650079216133639660455072377153032233958108330075714003734901092347020299988719621322 s1 = 545531076356108942170542517291585227912890321475211086646343990428230857512990453752368923962766593723868745103465428375270149723925686204794806188631057460
# Signature (r2, s2) of the second answer r2 = 1465592089909096066855017733143775914413407269725815519508066282537319512650079216133639660455072377153032233958108330075714003734901092347020299988719621322 s2 = 4189612857039624039238953485069358484257973951950638665234391677969348904883268302761678805371275339935843305522229259291269025045916960785357191121407045404
# r must be equal for this to work (this is assumed, but we check just in case) assert(r1 == r2)
# In the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, if the same k is used to sign # different signatures (which is the case here), the attacker can recover k using # the signatures (see m_diff = (z1 - z2) % n r1_inv = inverse_mod(r1, n) s_diff = (s1-s2) % n
# Recover k and d using the formulas from the Wikipedia page # Note that division is actually multiplication by the modular inverse!! k = (m_diff * inverse_mod(s_diff, n)) % n d = (((((s1 * k) % n) - z1) % n) * r1_inv) % n
Finally, we can use d and k to forge a valid signature for our own message, “hello”:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
# Now, sign a dummy message with the calculated keys and print out the signature m_dummy = "hello" m_dummy_hash = int(sha512(m_dummy.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) P = k*G r = int(P[0]) % n k_inv = inverse_mod(k, n) s = (((m_dummy_hash + ((r*d)%n)) % n) * k_inv) % n
# Print the recovered values (k & d) and the forged signature (r, s) to the console print(f'k = {k}') print(f'd = {d}') print(f'r = {r}') print(f's = {s}\n')